Cantina Horus

Horus winery is an enterprise of young and dynamic people who chose to give value to the most indigenous and the oldest vine varieties of the area by using organic methods of wine grapes growing. 

Our organic certified wines are made of grapes from the vineyards cultivated in compliance with the principles of organic agriculture system, a sustainable development model based on protection and effective use of resources, respect for environmental balance and consumer’s health.

We plan our wine production from the stage of vineyard planting by omitting chemicals and chemical pesticides from the process because they tend to increase productivity of vineyards in terms of quantity at the expense of the quality and offset important balance of soil, plant and climate, which is essential for growing strong vines producing sound, balanced and rich grapes, which make our wines easy to recognize and unique.

We use organic fertilisers to fertilise the soil, while in order to protect the vines we take preventive actions of plants reinforcement or, alternatively, we use living organisms – natural enemies of pests. An ancient and traditional farming method is based on planting roses at the end of each row of vines. Roses are used to supervise the state of the grape vines, since roses and vines are susceptible to some of the same diseases, so the roses act as early warning of the possible diseases that might be harmful for the plants.

We have chosen to make organic wines for sentimental reasons – we get connected to our farming culture while fully respecting the life cycle of the grape vines.


Cantina Horus

Horus is an agricultural company and winery representing a synthesis of business experience of Giudice family,
which dates back to 1974.

One hundred hectares of land, of which thirty are cultivated with vines and the remaining land featuring almond and olive trees, stretch between Acate river and the town of Vittoria in Hyblaean area and enjoy warm Mediterranean climate with its heat mitigating sea breeze. The balance between the right temperature and altitude as well as the proximity to the sea shape this unique natural environment, which inspired us to bring out the flavour of indigenous and traditional varieties of wine grapes: Nero D’Avola, Frappato, Grillo, Insolia e Moscato.

Maintaining high standards for production ethics and respect for environment and surrounding landscape by promoting eco-friendly long-term viticulture make Horus winery stand out.

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